Dartmouth Middle School

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Name: Tracy Brown
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone number:408-264-3729 ext 15904
Green Architecture (8th)
Green Architecture is a Project Lead the Way class which builds a strong foundation for further STEM learning in high school and beyond. Students learn how to apply math, science, technology, and engineering to their everyday lives.Today’s students have grown up in an age of “green” choices. In this unit, students learn how to apply this concept to the fields of architecture and construction by exploring dimensioning, measuring, and architectural sustainability as they design affordable housing units.
Energy & the Environment (7th)
Energy & the Environment is a Project Lead the Way class which introduces students to the scientific concept of energy. The class then goes into depth on how humans generate electricity and the ways in which we utilize the electricity for our needs and comfort. The different modes of electricity generation are then analyzed for their pros and cons. In this class students will be involved in many hands on activities.
Design & Modeling (7th)
Students apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives.  Students will use Tinkercad and OnShape design software to create 3D and 2D models of their designs, and depending on the project, they can 3D print them.  Students will work on a final design project with a partner that uses their newly learned skills.
Robotics (8th)
In Robotics students will learn how to build basic mechanisms and program using block code. They will then take what they have learned and design, construct and build simple robots that can react to stimuli and perform in a predetermined manner.