
6th Grade Electives

DMS 6th Grade Enrichment - Class Descriptions

Novel Study/Book Buddies:

Students will read engaging, high-interest books and participate in collaborative discussions and activities to enrich reading comprehension and enjoyment. Students will read in a variety of formats: whole group, small group, and book buddy reading.

Book Club:

Over the course of a quarter, students read a book together. We stop and discuss events, vocabulary, characters, and themes. It is a fun way to relax and read (simply for the pleasure of reading). At the end of the quarter, we celebrate with a class party for one of the main characters. In addition to reading a book, there are different Social Emotional Learning activities students will participate in depending on the day.


THRIVE-” Motivating Youth To Reach Their Full Potential”

Course overview: Our Thrive class is modeled after the program “ Step it up to Thrive” - the overarching theme is to help students to start to think about and plan for the future.

Each quarter we focus on 4 primary areas.( Using art activities, team challenges, mini movies, research, and much more)

1) Identifying and exploring potential “Sparks”( interests or passions.)

2) Developing a growth mindset

3) Exploring the Thriving Indicators( 6 C’s -Competence, Contribution, Caring, Character, Connection, ans Confidence)

4) Developing long term goals- Using G.P.S.( Goal selection, Pursuit strategies, and Shifting gears)

Intro to Animation:

Unleash your creativity and dive into the dynamic world of animation in this engaging and hands-on course. "Introduction to Animation" is designed to introduce students to various animation techniques, including flip books, stop motion, and claymation. Through a combination of practical exercises, discussions, and project work, students will develop a solid foundation in animation while exploring the exciting realms of character development and story themes.

By the end of this course, students will have a rich understanding of animation techniques, storytelling principles, and character development. Whether you aspire to pursue a career in animation or simply want to explore your creative side, "Introduction to Animation" will equip you with the skills and knowledge to bring your imaginative ideas to life on the screen.

Creative Expression:

Students will spend the quarter learning about different artists and art forms, touching on visual, written, and theatre arts. They will also be creating different art in different mediums including, but not limited to watercolors, origami, oil pastels, markers, pencils, creative writing, and readers theatre. Additionally, they will participate in lessons that focus on social-emotional learning and study skills to help support them in the transition to middle school. They will also participate in a weekly study hall to assist in work completion, as well as collaborative gameplay with other classes to help support teamwork and cooperation skills.

Creative Communications:

“Creative Communications” emphasizes the 4 C’s of learning: critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication, and collaboration. This enrichment class will offer students the opportunity to apply the 4 C’s as creators, not just consumers. Some example topics include: Pixar Storytelling, Podcast Mysteries, Global Folk Literature, How-To Demonstrations, Multimedia Presentations, and more. To help with the transition to middle school, this class will also provide study skills support with 1 day per week dedicated to checking grades, catching up on any missing work, and seeking one-on-one help from teachers if needed.

Creative Exploration:

“Exploration” provides students with the opportunity to engage in and apply the 4 C’s of learning: critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication, and collaboration. Students will explore the world, including who they are in this world, and make connections with various content areas, through multimedia presentations, global literature, hands-on projects, and more. As students are transitioning to middle school, we will also focus on self-reflection, character development, growth mindset, etc. One day a week will be dedicated as a “study hall day” to check in regarding grades, catch up on assignments, and work individually with teachers if needed.

Cooperative Games:

Under the theme of space exploration, students enjoy shared readings and play games where they work with one another in order to achieve a common objective. The goal of the game play is to reduce emphasis on competition and increase emphasis on the social aspects of play including positive communication and good sportsmanship.  The course will focus on promoting positive social interactions and building a sense of community among peers.  This course will address common standards in ELA (reading/literacy), writing and SEL standards.

STEM-App Creator:

This unit will expose students to computer science by computationally analyzing and developing solutions to authentic problems through mobile app development, and will convey the positive impact of the application of computer science to other disciplines and to society. Students will customize their experience by choosing a problem that interests them from the areas of health, environment, emergency preparedness, education, community service, and school culture. Because problems in the real world involve more than one discipline, the unit will introduce students to biomedical science concepts as they work on solutions for the specific problems they choose to tackle.

STEM - Medical Detectives:

Students play the role of real-life medical detectives as they collect and analyze medical data to diagnose disease. They solve medical mysteries through hands-on projects and labs, measure and interpret vital signs, examine nervous system structure and function, and investigate disease outbreaks.

7th/8th Grade Electives

DMS 7/8 Grade Electives- Class Descriptions

STEM A: Energy & the Environment/ Green Architecture

Energy & the Environment is a Project Lead the Way class which introduces students to the scientific concept of energy. The class then goes into depth on how humans generate electricity and the ways in which we utilize the electricity for our needs and comfort. The different modes of electricity generation are then analyzed for their pros and cons. In this class students will be involved in many hands on activities.

Green Architecture is a Project Lead the Way class which builds a strong foundation for further STEM learning in high school and beyond. Students learn how to apply math, science, technology, and engineering to their everyday lives.Today’s students have grown up in an age of “green” choices. In this unit, students learn how to apply this concept to the fields of architecture and construction by exploring dimensioning, measuring, and architectural sustainability as they design affordable housing units.

STEM B: Design & Modeling/ Automation & Robotics

Students apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. Students will use Tinkercad design software to create 3D and 2D models of their designs as well as hand tools to create their solutions. Students will work on a final design project with a partner that uses their newly learned skills.

In Robotics (a Project Lead the Way course) students will learn how to build basic mechanisms and program using block code. They will then take what they have learned and design, construct, build and troubleshoot simple robots that can react to stimuli and perform in a predetermined manner.

STEM C: Flight & Space

The exciting world of aerospace comes alive through Flight and Space (a Project Lead the Way course). Students become engineers as they design, prototype, and test models to learn about the science of flight and what it takes to travel and live in space. They solve real-world aviation and space challenges and plan a mission to Mars.

Humanities I (Exploring Cultures):

The Humanities are simply the arts and activities we do that are uniquely human. These include the visual arts, music, dance, theater, literature, architecture, and more! The humanities express the abilities of human beings to create. 

The Humanities I class follows the human story from the very beginning. We start with prehistoric humans and continue across the centuries as cultures and civilizations develop. Included in the journey are the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the ancient Hebrews; Greece, Rome, and Byzantium; China and India; and the Medieval world.

Humanities II (Exploring Cultures II):

The Humanities are simply the arts and activities we do that are uniquely human. These include the visual arts, music, dance, theater, literature, architecture, and more! The humanities express the abilities of human beings to create.

Humanities II picks up the story with the Italian and Northern Renaissance and continues with the Islamic world, the rich traditions of the African continent; and the cultures of the Americas. There is a greater focus on music appreciation and European painting in the Baroque, Neoclassical, and Romantic Eras. The works of composers such as J. S. Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, and Beethoven; and visual artists like Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Vermeer, David, Van Gogh, and Picasso (and many others) will be explored.

Art I- Beginning Art:

In Art 1, students build their creative skills from the ground up. They learn about the elements of art and design principles, developing techniques to express themselves artistically. With a focus on individual creativity, students work with various mediums like watercolors, pencils, pastels, and ink pens. Each lesson combines theory and hands-on practice, allowing students to apply what they have learned to exciting projects. Whether painting landscapes or sketching portraits, students have plenty of opportunities to showcase their creativity and progress.

Art II - Advanced Art:

(*Prerequisite - student has taken Art in 7th grade)

In Advanced Art, students will have the opportunity to expand and refine the skills acquired in Art 1, deepening their understanding of artistic expression. Students will build upon foundational knowledge, exploring symbolism and cultivating a unique artistic voice. Through a dynamic curriculum, students will continue to explore the elements of art and principles of design, pushing the boundaries of creativity. Throughout the course, students engage in advanced techniques and concepts, including elaborate drawing and painting methods and experimentation with mixed media. A central focus of the course is on nurturing each student's artistic voice and fostering the creation of an authentic body of work.

Introduction to Spanish:

The curriculum for Introduction to Spanish focuses on the first semester of year-long Spanish 1. At the end of the semester, students will be able to greet one another, talk about the parts of the body, the days of the week, months of the year, describe themselves and others, be able to share what they like to do, and identify basic classroom materials. Students will learn Spanish in a natural way, enjoy speaking Spanish in realistic situations, appreciate diversity, encourage respect for self and others and be encouraged to take positive risks in a safe environment. 

(*Please note - this is an introductory class, and does not offer High School language credit)

*Service Learning (*8th grade only):

Students will assist a teacher or the office with any tasks needed - tasks include errands such as delivering notes; making copies, filing, and any other classroom/office tasks that are needed. 

Requirements: No D's of F's on last year's report card; positive citizenship; and submit a teacher recommendation.

Band Electives

Eagle Band:

Eagle Band is our band for 6th graders at Dartmouth. In this class we teach the fundamentals of music literacy, rhythms, and note names. The class focuses on team-building for students who are new to music, and students who already play an instrument. Students will be able to read notes on a musical staff, understand, and perform Musical Grade 1-2 repertoire.


Concert Band:

Concert Band is for students who have participated in 6th grade Eagle Band or have previous musical instruction in the earlier grades (teacher approval and audition required). Concert Band focuses on reinforcing fundamentals of Band, expanding performance proficiency, and preparing students for all styles of music for the middle school level (Musical Grades 2-3).


Symphonic Band:

Symphonic Band is our advanced band and members are selected through auditions, based on ability and attitude. Symphonic Band is for 7th and 8th graders and meets as a 0 period class before school. Symphonic Band is a rigorous course designed for students who have reached a level of proficiency to perform advanced musical literature (Musical grades 3-4). Symphonic Band marches in parades, performs for other schools, and travels to Disneyland for a performance and studio recording workshop.